today i learned [11/04]

that elections like this are quite emotional.
i am excited to hear the turn out.
i can't believe it is only 7!

if mccain wins the presidency there's nothing
i can do about it, but i will be more nervous
than if obama wins. i think biden will make
a great vp, and president if anything
happens to obama. palin...not so sure about her.

this morning i woke up feeling really good
it may have been the weather and the fact
that gas is down to 2.79
but i also felt like i should be wearing
a big OBAMA pin.

very exciting. and scary.
and AWESOME to see that we
actually have a black man,
we may not get a lot "right"
as americans but i think we
are drifting in a good direction
with both of those things.
it warms my heart.

it even warms my heart when i see hate
videos like this;

because i know that having a black man
running for president makes them feel really
small. small like "hey, maybe the world
doesn't belong to white people, and i still
feel like it should."
which is why they are getting so mad about it.

kinda funny because if obama is elected president
they will feel ever SMALLER because someone
they hate with such ignorance will be running their nation.

i think it's really great to let your kids
call barack a monkey, too...
and i love how they act like they know EVERYTHING.
so entertaining.

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