i am really tired

but i can't sleep now. derek just left
for work and i can't fall back asleep.
i have to go xmas shopping today...
i wonder how bad my car is trapped.
i also have to work at 4:00.
i hope she calls me and tells me not
to bother. but that probably won't happen.

i think i'm going to have some hot chocolate,
read my book and fall back asleep.
then i'll probably be digging my car out of
the snow, and going christmas shopping.
3 more days til christmas. it's crazy.
when you're older and you work all the time
christmas comes and goes so fast that you don't
even have time to get excited about it anymore.
i mean, i am excited...but not how i got
when i was little. now it's like eh, christmas,
i don't really want anything...

i told derek i am going to start knitting because
i came across this book at barnes&noble
that had the COOLEST stuff in it to knit.
and unlike a sewing machine you don't gotta
set it up and all that. it's like if you feel like
knitting...you knit. there was this sweater
with a quote by martin luther king knitted into it.
i thought that was pretty sweet. i guess his
mom and sister just started knitting, too.
i told him to buy his mom that book, too. lol.

okay hot chocolate time.

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