
i was invited to do this meme by Cosmo
so i'll do it!

Princess Diana's death – 31st August 1997

i vaguely remember this. not that it was not important, but because of the fact that i was about 9 years old. i was probably not looking forward to school and so on and so forth. what nine year olds do in august.

Margaret Thatcher's resignation – 22nd November 1990

i was even younger here, i feel like my meme is not going to be
very interesting. i was too young to be aware of this. not really,
actually i was probably too young to care, really. because i was 2.
a fine age, if i might add.

Attack on the Twin Towers – 11th September 2001

i remember this one! i was in 7th grade. social studies class. a few kids came into the class and there was an announcement that we all had to turn on the tv's and whoever didn't have a tv was to turn on the radio. they also set up tv's in all the lunch rooms. we had a radio in our room, and i remember not really knowing what was going on, and being more interested in socializing [what a shame...] it didn't hit me until i got to my best friend's house after school and we watched what was going on on the news. we were also worried about her aunt and uncle who lived near the towers. we finally heard from them but it was terrible to think about. very scary.

England's World Cup semi-final v Germany – 4th July 1990

again, i was two. sorry!

President Kennedy's Assassination – 22nd November 1963

i was far from being born. i have read about it. tragic.

ha, sorry i could not make this very interesting, considering i am
still quite young. i guess i am supposed to pass this on.
i would if i had someone who i knew that actually blogged.

ah, oh well.

thanks for randomly choosing me,


1 comment:

Cosmo said...

Thanks for taking part!

Sorry you don't get any comments. I was blogging for about a year before I really started getting any comments! (I think the trick is to leave comments on other people's blogs and hope that they come over to visit you.)

Anyway, I'll add your blog as a link just because you were kind enough to respond to my random request!

God bless!