
so my interview took all but a few minutes.
then we went to the fair!
we stopped in record theatre, as always
then went in the fair at like, one something,
walked around. went to pet the horsies.
then all the other animals.
i fed the goats, and zebus and such.
then we went on the tilt-a-whirl. ;]
then we ate! i had a hot dog&limonade.
derek had sausage.
then we saw a dancing robot, scary!
then we played i got it. and now derek is addicted.
he is pretty good. he got it twice!
he won a foldy lawn chair thing and a basketball.
we walked around collecting free goodies.
we got shooter some doggie trail mix,
but it gives him gas.
then we had to leave at five. because i had to work
at six. but, we're going back saturday night
after we both get out of work. which will probably
be around six. we're going to cash in derek's change,
and play i got it for ages! i'm gonna get some 75cent tea.
and it's going to be fabulous.


p.s. happy birthday, ayla!

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