battery low. overflow.

well, i guess i`ll just let my phone die tonight.
i don't have my charger.

did a lot of thinking today. blame it on my PMS.
ah, gotta love our little friend, ladies.
i start thinking about a lot of things...
but can't finish them sometimes.
there are so many things that as conditioned human beings
it is so hard to wrap our minds around.
relationships, how they they end.
domesticated animals.
there are just so many things.
our brain and emotions are so complex
it's so hard to really understand.
i don't think anybody really understands.

then there are the everyday 'problems'
the little things that bother us,
that drive us crazy.

i try my best to rationalize situations
before i let the troops of rage and tears
come marching to the frontline.
i really, really try.
but then i come back to you, ladies...
you understand the symptoms of PMS.
which is another strange wonder of life.
i use the word wonder, lightly. eeeyikes.

i find myself staring into space
just thinking. but my mind races from
one thought to the next. it's like i can't
finish one thought, without another moving in.
it's kindof stressful, and really difficult
when i am emotional like this.
i felt like crying all week, i knew
this was coming. thank you, evolution;
for not forgetting to bless us with
menstruation and all the joy that it brings.

and a little note to YOU;
stop making it harder than it has to be.

other than that, i`m just a brat.
and once again i will remind you
that it is the PMS. or is it?

i`m watching nyla tomorrow,
rise and shine at 7.3o.

so for now i am going to honor
my r.s.v.p. to my invite to join
d.froze in alaska. goodnight.



Anonymous said...

wait....a little note to ME? (tell me thas not me and i'm just paranoid)

mints said...

DEF. not to you!
no no no.

Anonymous said...

haha k, yea i have to stop with this paranoia.