so, i have a lot of time to read at my new job.
and have been going through some books pretty fast.

starting to get into the "disturbing" genre
and am [sadly] inspired.
i have always wanted to write a book,
and have kindof leaned toward humor...
but am starting to feel like something
dark would be a lot funner.
just because i am so haunted and my mind
just normally turns to dark things and feelings.
that sounds creepy, im not creepy...
but when my imagination starts up,
i can't stop it, sometimes
and while im telling myself something isnt real,
at the same time, i cant stop myself from
being afraid. of what? i dont even know
most of the time.

so, though i am quite funny ;]
i think if i let my imagination run wild
on something like could come out
significantly better than something forced.
i might end up having trouble sleeping but uh,
whatever. haha.
maybe i will put both aspect into it...
make it something creepy and humorous
at the same time. not childish, but
maybe something just very twisted.

i'll start writing down my random ideas.

other than that, i plan on starting
my half sleeve early this summer.
it will be amazingly wonderful,
and though ive always said i would never get colored
tattoos...ive changed my mind and i think it
will be better this way.


1 comment:

Sai said...

What books have you been reading?
I need a good few books to read over the summer.

And I think color on your sleeve would be a cool compliment to the rest of the black you have....and will have ;)