i will be in alabama february 13-19.
it may not be hot but it's alabama!


Sai said...

whats in alabama?

mints said...

my grandparents go there every year for like 6 months. basically they migrate for the winter haha but they decided this is their last year because they dont think they can make the drive anymore so my family decided to go do wn and visit!

Rhapso_DY said...

I guess getting out of buffal-ho is a good thing LOL, but 'bama? LOL wow. and ick.

spologi! is the word verification!

Sai said...

awwww thats sweet! im jealous that you get to forget about your coat even for a little while...

and that word verication recap is funny! i always wonder if other people get strange ones like me.


mints said...

lol dani i love alabama! gulf shores!