purple pink &white!

the colors of the "boo bracelet"

some stupid string bracelet that i got off of some
flowers in the department. but derek and i both wore them.
shooter ripped mine off lonnnng ago. but derek still wore his
for close to a year, now. but the other day he had to rip
it off. because it was giving him a rash! haha so much for
speaking of the feelings we have for each other. rashes.
so we ripped it off together! and he put his on his keychain
just like i have mine.

but now that i think about that little purple, white&pink bracelet
and the fact that he wore it for sooo long. despite it's colors...
it actually means something to me now. now it's not just a bracelet.

the idea of the boo bracelet sounds kinda mushy but
it didn't start out to really mean anything.
and i feel badly that i let shooter attack mine.
and i feel silly but long live the boo bracelet.
even if it's just remembering that there was one.
and it was actually kindof sad that he had to take it
off but i'd rather him be rash free. haha.

"...i'm nobody...
i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo,
i'm a box car and a jug of wine,
and a straight razor...
if you get too close to me."

-charles manson.

hello, childhood pt. 2.

kinda rough, but i did it real quick.
i think i'll stop forcing it now.
it doesn't work as well when i force it.

some sketches.


my cute girls. the first time i've given my people faces.

don't ask me.

can anyone explain this cruel organ to my lil guy?
[another first!; hands.]

i am bad at drawing when i actually think about what i am drawing.
the second anchor is supposed to be at an angle but something about
it is messed up.

ello, latiebugz.

nothing that would really translate to a tattoo
except the anchors. that was for "flash" purposes.

other than that, i'm just drawing.


don't worry, boo-
i cleaned the scanner.......
and can someone hand me some chapstick!?


and i am going to start my sketches
for my "tattoo" portfolio.
if anybody has any idea that would make cool
tattoos...or wants something drawn for them
let me know!

7 days!

that's the countdown.
even though my boo just left a few hours ago.
shooter was really sad.
but it won't be as long as last time! haha.
3 weeks was kinda killer.

so one week, i think we'll be alright.

errbody wish my boo and his friends
safe driving and lots of fun!

on another note i went back to bed after
he left and just got up [it's one]
it felt sooooo good! holler.
this is the first day in two weeks i haven't
had to get up early for something.


oh, lewis carrol.

a boat, beneath a sunny sky
lingering onward dreamily
in an evening of July--

children three that nestle near,
eager eye and willing ear,
pleased a simple tale to hear--

long has paled that sunny sky;
echoes fade and memories die;
autumn frosts have slain July.

still she haunts me, phantomwise,
alice moving under skies
never seen by waking eyes.

children yet, the tale to hear,
eager eye and willing ear,
lovingly shall nestle near.

in a wonderland they lie,
dreaming as the days go by,
dreaming as the summers die;

ever drifting down the stream--
lingering in the golden gleam--
life, what is it but a dream?


my favorite poem when i was little
was the walrus and the carpenter.
and not only because it was in alice in wonderland.

and today i just can't get that famous
verse out of my head for some reason.

"the time has come,
the walrus said,
"to talk of many things:
of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax
of cabbages and kings
and why the sea is boiling hot
and whether pigs have wings."

so now that i have typed it out
it will hopefully fly out of my brain.

oh, and i am def. going to do a painting
for that poem. watercolor. and i will
start the sketch tonight.

mcdonalds monopoly.

anyone have golden ave. and want to split $100,000?
email me.

bloody mad.

so, i am really upset that i won't
be able to get to NYC by october 31st...
has opened the "village petstore and charcoal grill"




again, derek and i do not get to be
andy warhol and edie sedgwick for halloween.
this year due to the fact that he will be
at the fest.
last year due to the "october storm"
as he calls it. haha. but i guess
this costume idea will just sit around
until next year again...

just livin' my life.

i am going to stop worrying about things.
i love my life.

oh, and when derek gets home
we are going to make our tat apt!

apt. is november 13th!

aw my boo is leaving wednesday.

we're gonna break out; let the party start.

well we got to canada.
got stuck in duty free.
went to the liquor store.
went to find some fast food;
ended up getting timmy ho's and took
it back to the room. i forgot to eat
anything all day so it was like heaven.
they got tipsy, i found my way to allison's bowl.
then we went to the strip club. sundowners.
the cab driver on the way there was listening
to dean martin because he found the cd's in his
dad's car when he died.
allison got on stage and the stripper put
her vagina on her face. and couldn't
get allison's boobs out of her dress haha.
then we took a cab to dragonfly and danced
like crazy. me, al, and jenna took our shoes off.
an asian guy told me i am hot. ;]
he probably thought i was asian.
and the bartender also thought i was cute
and gave me free water. holler.
[lol @ being excited about free WATER]
allison had a conversation with a guy in laos.
he was on some kind of drugs and was acting
like he was in a jungle or something and
we danced with him and he told us "happy time, all the time"
some guy told jenna that her cheekbones were the highlight
of his night.
there were some almost fights. some shoving and punching
between our group and anothers. lol.
andddd some chick that was confused, i'm pretty sure.
al wasn't feeling to well on the cabride back to the hotel
maybe because the driver couldn't drive and his
wheels were about to pop off.
we got back and allison passed out in her dress.
jenna felt "superior to all"
and i zonked so hard i didn't even hear the cleaning
lady barge in in the morning, so i am told.
then me, court, and jenna got the complimentary
breakfast, and brought allison some.
nobody wanted to take home the absolut mandarin because
they said it was gross. but jenna took it anywyas
because she is an aspiring alcoholic
or so she tells me lol
it was a fun and adventuresome night

hahahahah @ courtney's face.
she looks 100.

me&jenna. i hate the way i look w. makeup!

the "gangsta poppin bottles" pic.

jenna getting into it.

and pulling stripper moves on courtney after she fell
off of the bed.


omg @ that guy popping up in the back like he is our bff.

in the cab.

ewww. my eyebrows look drawn on and i want
to wipe them right out of every picture.
why did i go out like that?!kjfklasjfklsdjfjsdafljsad

don't feel like uploading anymore onto here.
so that's it for now!

oh, and just found out i left my mom 6
voicemails of loud music. no wonder my battery was dead
and EF i'll probably get charged since i was in canada.
rode stoney today.
i will def. be feeling that no stirrup work
later on. and i will have heels on to boot.
i am going to have fun, though.
we got a room.
can't wait!
gotta go shower,
gotta go get my outfit,
and then get my makeup done
w/ allison.




found out why m.i.a. canceled the rest of her tour...
she's pregz. AND HUGE!

and apparently still performing! haha.

i carry your heart with me.

i carry your heart with me
[i carry it in my heart]
i am never without it
[anywhere i go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling]
i fear
no fate
[for you are my fate, my sweet]
i want
no world
[for beautiful you are my world, my true]
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
[here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide]
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart
[i carry it in my heart]


so beautiful. i wish i had love like that sometimes.
i love the exaggeration.
i feel like if you said things like that to
someone these days, they would think you were crazy.

i'm going to try and draw or paint
something to go with this.
i think watercolor would be cool
once i have some time.

i have a huge list of drawings i want to do.
but no drive.
i have one tattoo to draw, which has to be done
soon. but other than that...i feel like i draw
for only myself. this is why i want to
be a tatto artist, and once i get back in school
i will begin my search for an apprenticeship!

i am also going to apply for a word.
see here;
seems she already has a lot of volunteers
but i think it's worth a shot. would be cool.


and p.s. i love e.e. cummings because,
like myself, he preferred lowercase letters.

things feel like;

hot chocolate and fat cookies.

everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

whoa yeah.

i just bought the most awesome heels for friday.


i can't wait.
i think i will get my makeup done purple.


i hate being sick. i barely ever get sick
but when i do it's terrible.
so it just keeps getting worse and worse!
so i am going to have some soup and meds
and watch across the universe and look
at LOLcats. and
probably be asleep when my boo gets home.

4 more days out of the 9 days in a row.

so, i've been told;

that i am "cool looking"
what does that even mean?
i am not a car! lol or a dog.
cool looking? i ask.
"different looking, but a good different"
maybe because people think i am asian and i'm REALLY NOT,people.
i wouldn't lie to you.


i love when people hate me and talk about me.
that's a little warped, i guess...
but i find it amusing.
i at least wish that when you talked about me
you made it true to my character,
i mean, at least make it believable!

oh and as for my lesson today, i rode
stoney. he is big and white and was very muddy. :[
but i like him, he's a gentle giant. he just wants apples.
for some reason i couldn't keep my heels down
and she said next week we are riding without
stirrups. man.


we're gonna dance til the dancefloor falls apart!

well, no art yet. i have been working A LOT.
it's sweetest day/homecoming weekend in
the floral dept and i just got home from making
corsages for six hours. straight. my hands hurt.

but in better news;

on the 24th, al and i are going out for her bday
with some of the girls. we're getting a room in canada
and getting our makeup done and being fabulous as always.
there will be dancing, there will be girl fights i'm sure,
if i boozed there would be boozing, but the rest of them may
very well be boozing, there will be no smoking :[ there will be
the best birthday ever for my best friend/sister.
and there will be pictures.
oh, there wil def. be pictures.

my boomboomz is leaving on the ...29th?
going to the fest.
i will be shoobama's caretaker.
daddy's gone, daddy's gone!
the only rule in this house is no throwing up!

i will miss him, though. i always do.
but since he will still be in the states
text messages will suffice.

i love autumn.

i wish i had the camera at the vitamin x show the other night...
after efa played, the show got moved to some old funeral home
and it was AWESOME. pat crowed surfed on a boogie board haha
everyone was carrying him around the room and he was pretending
to swim and looked really scared. then aaron took the singer
of vitamin x on his shoulders and he fell and all he said was ... 'ow.'
i love vitamin x. i got a t-shirt.
that was a really fun show, though. considering i was falling
asleep when we got there.


a dream within a dream.

take this kiss upon the brow!
and, in parting from you now,
thus much let me avow-
you are not wrong, who deem
that my days have been a dream;
yet if hope has flown away
in a night, or in a day,
in a vision, or in none,
is it therefore the less gone?
all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream.

i stand amid the roar
of a surf-tormented shore,
and i hold within my hand
grains of the golden sand-
how few! yet how they creep
through my fingers to the deep,
while i weep- while i weep!
o god! can i not grasp
them with a tighter clasp?
o god! can i not save
one from the pitiless wave?
is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?

-edgar allen poe.

i love this because i love

you are not wrong, who deem
that my days have been a dream;
yet if hope has flown away
in a night, or in a day,
in a vision, or in none,
is it therefore the less gone?
all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream.


it makes me feel like i was never the only
one to never feel fully awake.
not that i am tired...but my life feels like
a series of dreams. i don't know if i've smoked
too much or i am just dillusional but
this poem holds a place in my heart.
and i love the desperation of the second
part of the poem.


my boo and i may very well be getting
our new tattoos this week.

i can't wait!

i think i am going to turn this back
into an art blog.
with occasional ramblings,
because i can't post my art
without the inspiration behind it!

well, i'll start that soon.

i love days like this.

we got mcdonalds breakfast,
drove through the scenery listening to
the beatles.
walked around letchworth and it was WARM.
almost hot.
and took pictures.
and it is so pretty there.
and then we went to the craft show,
and there were dogs everywhere and we
were sad we didn't bring shooter.
we got a monkey nut.
shooter is afraid of it.
i got to make my own tea...
oolong/pumpkin and i have some steepin'
as i type.
i zonked on the way home,
my boo is zonked on the couch.
we are going to watch across the universe tonight.
and get a pumpkin?
maybe another day.
i am so happy.

my almost favorite time of year.

i have riding tomorrow at 12:15.

then on saturday
my boo and i are going to letchworth/the letchworth craft show.
he has never been and it's a life-long thing for me
so i can't wait to show him letchworth! i <3 it.
then on the way home we are going to pumpkinville
to get our punkins and on a haunted hay ride!
so excited.

it seems.

that things [words, mainly]
got turned into what they were
never supposed to be.
which is funny,
because we talked about that...

it doesn't matter, i guess
you just aren't who i thought you
but that's to be expected.
"they who dream by day
are cognizant of many things which
escape those who dream only by night."


that talk felt really good, and i really
feel like we got somewhere.
i hope this all ends soon,
i know that we are better than this.